Stuart King

Stuart King, a 69-year-old resident, has lived in his neighborhood since 1959. He notes significant changes over the years, primarily the absence of children. King recalls being part of the Jack and Jill organization, a social group that provided educational and cultural activities for families. King expresses a deep attachment and love for East Austin, considering the community as part of his identity.

Connie Kirk

Connie Jo Kirk, an Austin, Texas native, fondly remembers East Austin as a wholesome, integrated community where Blacks and Hispanics coexisted harmoniously without racial tensions. She recalls a time when neighbors shared recipes and held decorative street parties, fostering a united community spirit. Kirk highlights that East Austin is the original neighborhood of Austin. She emphasizes that East Austin’s rich history and the legacy of its leaders remain accessible for future generations to learn from.

Jackie Venson – Antone’s Nightclub

Jackie Venson – Musician

It is legend that a blistering Jackie Venson guitar solo knocked Pluto straight out of planetary existence.

Venson’s “…astonishing mix of raw soul, superb musicianship and laid back grace…” (Austin American Statesman, June 2014) has been compared to the likes of Joss Stone, Amy Winehouse and fellow Austin native Gary Clark, Jr. Originally a classical pianist, Jackie picked up the guitar, shortly after graduating from Berklee College of Music, and made the giant leap from the tradition of classical music to the raw and gritty blues.

Enthralled with music since the age of 8, this young singer/songwriter/musician instantly captures your attention with a vibrant musical soul and passionate control of her instruments, that reach far beyond her tender age. As she mindfully blends Blues, Rock, R&B, Soul and more, with her introspective lyrics, the message is clear. When you’re listening to Jackie you hear the “Truth in Music”.

In recognition of her dedication to her craft, said “Venson is no dilettante, wannabe performer, however a real staple of what a musician can achieve when they put in their 10,000 hours for both musical schooling, and late night pub sessions for practical honing.”

Her live performances revisits what makes music so powerful: emotion and passion. She thrives without the flash, instead favoring a clean sound, genuine soul, and meaningful connection with her audience. Music is not only what Venson does – but also defines who she is and reminds her where she wants to be: performing.

Having finished her second tour of Europe and the recent declaration of “Jackie Venson Day” (May 21st) in the “Live Music Capital of the World” Austin, TX, there’s no doubt she has every reason to lead the way with the trademark smile that accompanies her magnificent musicianship.

Rhiannon Ferguson – Akins High School, Austin, TX

Rhiannon Ferguson – E4 Youth | LinkedIn

Rhiannon reflects on her senior year at Akins High School as a pivotal turning point in her life and creative career. Dealing with social phobia worsened by the return to in-person classes post-COVID, fell into a cycle of depression and nearly dropped out. But being appointed editor-in-chief of the yearbook and designer, alongside supportive teachers, pushed her to face her fears. Through painting murals, designing the yearbook, and even publishing her own children’s book, she found her confidence, proving that Akins was more than just a school—it was where she found her creative voice and began to conquer her mental health challenges.

Fiesta Gardens – Presented By Perez Elementary School

Perez Elementary School in Austin is embracing technology and local culture with a VR story focused on the city’s vibrant Fiesta Gardens. This immersive virtual experience allows students to explore the iconic lakeside venue, known for its lively community events and beautiful scenery. This innovative approach to education connects history, community, and technology, engaging students in a unique and memorable way.

Zavala Elementary – Presented By Widén Elementary School

Widén Elementary School

Students at Widén Elementary explore the legacy of Zavala Elementary and the vibrant East Austin neighborhood it serves. As they navigate through interactive historical scenes, students gain a deep understanding of their school’s heritage, fostering a sense of pride and connection to their educational roots and the broader community.

Pan American Park – Presented By Widén Elementary School

Widén Elementary School

Widén Elementary School takes a virtual leap into the rich history of Austin’s Pan American Park through an engaging VR experience. Students are transported into the lush landscapes and vibrant community gatherings of this beloved local landmark. This immersive journey allows them to experience the park’s cultural significance and historical evolution, deepening their appreciation for one of Austin’s cherished green spaces and fostering a connection with the city’s diverse heritage.

Santa Rita Courts – Presented By Widén Elementary School

Widén Elementary School

Widén Elementary School is delving into the history of Austin’s Santa Rita Courts through a compelling VR narrative. This immersive experience invites students to step virtually into the heart of the city’s first public housing project. As they explore the historic site, they gain a profound understanding of its cultural and historical importance, enriching their knowledge of Austin’s past and fostering a deeper connection with their community’s heritage.

Santa Rita Courts – Presented By Govalle Elementary School

Govalle Elementary School

Govalle Elementary is introduces a history of Austin’s Santa Rita Courts. This immersive VR story allows students to virtually walk through the historic grounds, understanding the cultural and historical significance of the city’s first public housing project.

Darnell (D.K.) Wilson – Capital Plaza

Digital Docent – E4 Youth

Darnell chose Capital Plaza, a bustling strip mall in the Windsor Park neighborhood of Austin, Texas, as his landmark of resilience. Back in 2019, this place became an unlikely refuge where he spent nights in his car, a decision dictated by economics more than comfort. Juggling a variety of odd jobs, he viewed every dollar spent on a hotel as a setback from his hard-earned income. Amid the hum of nighttime activity at the plaza, Darnell made a solemn vow to himself — this situation would be a temporary chapter, not his life story.

Those months, under the dim glow of streetlights, were not just about survival; they were a crucible forging Darnell’s resolve and tenacity. The resolve that has since propelled him, fueling ambitions and dreams far exceeding the confines of his car’s four doors. Capital Plaza stands not just as a reminder of his toughest days but as a testament to the promise he made and kept — a promise of relentless pursuit towards a future he envisioned.